Home Again :(
Well, I'm back in Blighty again, after ten glorious days of sunshine and snow in the French Alps. It is difficult to get back into the swing of things, but then you probably already know that! It was lovely to spend time away from the computer - I was forbidden to log on in the local tourist office - and be outside all day...

On the first day, the eldest boarded off into the distance at the rate of a small avalanche, following hubby who looked equally cool dressed in sleek black and trendy sunglasses. I weaved my way down at a more leisurely pace looking most elegant with backside stuck out, poles gripped for dear life, and snow plough even on the green runs! But by the end of the week, I finally cracked the skiing thing, hurtling down the slope with parallel turns, no poles, and not a hint of a snow plough anywhere! The little one earned her Premier Etoile (first star) in ski-school, so we were both feeling most proud of ourselves! We even went over a jump or two (very small ones!).

Mid-week we went out and met the locals, drank far too much Genepi and regretted it the next morning - as you do.

On the last day I went riding and learned how to say "walk on" (marche), "trot" (trot), and "canter" (petit de galop). We went cantering through a snowy forest, crossed small rushing rivers, and crossed bridges I wouldn't have crossed on foot! Fantastic. Oh to play! I needed so much to play!

I have much more to say - about language and culture, being in a different environment, but do you know what? The sun is shining and I want to sort my garden out before the demands of study and academia chain me to my desk again. So I'll write about all that stuff later!

Hope everyone else had a cracking Easter (gettit?!) - What did you get up to, and more importantly, have you been writing?! I certainly have not done a tap and proud of it... back to the grindstone on Monday eh!
Hiya Lisa
Welcome back - sorry you're not happy to be here, but it looks like you had a great holiday.
I've had family in Thailand, but I'm a bit ashamed to say that it hasn't stopped me from being glued to my laptop! We're down at the beach and I'm still checking in...
I haven't done much writing - apart from blog, but I've hit on an idea for novel no 2 and my next column.
What are ye like?! I so enjoyed being away from the old pc that it's been a struggle to get back on/into it!
As for not being happy here, am okay now... the village we go to is fast becoming a home from home and so I do miss it when I leave. I could live there all winter but I think the summers might drive me nuts!
Got a call this morning from a colleague about second marking - at 10.30 on a Sunday morning - so well and truly being dragged back into the swing of academic life again!
Great news on idea for novel number 2 - I'm still trying to get my head around novel number 1 ha ha! Enjoy the rest of your hols and put that pc away for a bit and give your hands a rest!
Oh goodness, so am I for novel no 1. Still so much work to do - must put more time into that and less into ... blogging? But am pleased to think I may not be a one story in me, kinda person.
Today's post on Tea Stains is for you! In answer to your command...
Looks like a fabulous holiday.....all that lovely sunshine and snow :-)
I did write but not as much as I had hope but came back rested and now thoroughly immersed in the mudane realities of real life!
Wow, looks like you had a great time. I'm very impressed by the way your gilet, in photo 2, exactly matches your blog background! I got quite a bit of writing done over Easter and have nearly finished my second draft, hurrah.
Zinnia - Well done on getting some work done! Wish I could say the same but can't. Although I have done the garden hurrah.
But today feel the need (read urgency) to get back to work, so busily planning this week's teaching, thinking about my novel, and not going to horsey shop with Christmas vouchers I still haven't found time to spend. Maybe tomorrow...
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