Saturday, 27 December 2008

Christmas Gall...

...bladder attacks for moi on the old 25th, I'm afraid! It was a fab day til then though, and we learn to appreciate those golden moments such as having a few pain free moments! We went to my parent-in-laws' house for a traditional Christmas dinner (with my parents too). You see I knew I should've ignored the trimmings (even though I kinda thought I had - no cream - no chipolatas, no turkey skin all crisp and inviting - no desert, well, okay, yes desert, but only a little tiny bit, but* but* but* but* I did eate a lot more than I have in a long time, so perhaps that's why y gallbladder decided to cock up and otherwise perfect day.

We got home about 6ish after i'd had a couple of hours of mild tummy cramps, but then I had a nap, and woke up half an hour later unable to breath hardly with what felt like someone taking a chainsaw to my middle - it lasted hours for f***sake, so hubby rang the doc and found a neighbour to take care of Little'Un, and we waited while I screamed and the doc arrived and took a look at me, and said something like, "Oh yes, Gallbladder - very painful. But I can't give her any diamorphine, I can only preswcribe it and the disrict nurse will have to come to administer it." Or words to that effect, and I said, " Oh my, what a shame!" Or words to that effect. And the doc had taken 2 EFFING HOURS TO GET TO ME and the nurse took FOREFFINGEVER,so that I my screaming had scared the gallstones into submission (along with half the street I think) and she still hadfn't arrived with my lovely syringe full of pain relief!!!

Total crap. And now it's Boxing Day and late and I'm trying to type this as fast as I can before the pain revisits me for the bedtime slot!

ARGH! Hope y'all had a good one - much love,

hesitant wotsit


Jenny Beattie said...

Oh honey, I'm so sorry that you suffered so much. But. I am really pleased you managed to appreciate things beforehand.

I hope the pain subsides and you enjoy a painfree and fun new year.

Lane Mathias said...

Oh how flippin' horrible (or words to that effect) for you.
I really hope the pain stays under control so you can enjoy the weekend. x

Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Ow ow ow poor you! Why can't they just take the pesky gall bladder out? (Sorry if that's a stoopid question, of course I'm no medic but I know several people who've had gall bladders removed and been very thankful.) Glad you had some good bits too, may there be many more of those.

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

How ridiculous that the doctor can't give you an injection!

So sorry to hear that you had to go through all that pain. I hope you have a better weekend. x

Unknown said...

So pleased the day was wonderful before the pain. Hope that it stays away so that you can enjoy the rest of the holiday.

Chris Stovell said...

Sheesh! it doesn't stop, does it? Hope you are feeling better now.

Mistlethrush said...

Ohhh dear. Hope today is better.