Tuesday 13 March 2007

Ticking along

The word count is trickling at the moment, but the counter really helps to monitor progress, especially when you feel like you're not making any! The funding application really helped me though, to keep fixed on the themes and issues I want to explore, and it's quite satisfying to see that the chapter outlines I've done so far are in keeping with the general premise of the whole thing. A small sigh of relief before the panic sets in again at the gargantuan task that lies ahead (or that I'm in the middle of, even).

It's another one of those mad days today though. Horse riding lesson - last week Touchee was totally spooked by the top half of the school, for some reason, and no matter what I, or my instructor did, we couldn't get him past the half way mark for more than a few seconds before he turned around and headed back down the school. He is a funny one. Last week I discovered he doesn't like the hoof-pick with the yellow handle, and even after I let him mouth it and sniff it, he kept his ears back and stamped his feet - not to mention reaching right around with his head so that his teeth hovered unsettlingly next to my rear end! Let's hope he's gotten over whatever it was for today's ride!

This morning, and all of last night, I marked essays, but the good news is that they're out of the way, hence the slight increase in my word count today. I've not done the shopping yet (Bad Housewife), or the cleaning (Bad, Bad Housewife), but I have arranged childcare, ferrying to gymnastics of children, and my mother is feeding them all, husband included (Good organiser).

After that there's a rather exciting event which goes on all evening I think - but I'll tell you about tomorrow!

Hope everyone is well and that the novel racers are hanging on in there... looking at everyone's blogs you all seem to be careering along despite the odd hiccup along the way!

If you're a teacher and you hate the old adage, "Those who can do, those who can't teach!" then check out the Taylor Mali video on Rob's blog - it's truly wonderful - and what's more, may lead you to check out some more Slam Poetry.


Zinnia Cyclamen said...

Best of luck with the funding application. When will you hear about it?

Anonymous said...

I have also been reading some slam poetry Lisa - have you seen A Toothbrush? V funny...

hesitant scribe said...

Zinnia - won't hear till the end of the year and am still tweaking it. I do need all the luck I can get, though!

Anon - will check it out as soon as I get a chance :)

Jay said...

I feel a bit chastised - probably should be writing instead of reading right now.

hesitant scribe said...

Jay - on the contrary - reading is essential to writing, so you can put it down to 'research'! ;)